H.A. Sala

(661) 322-1708

In This Section

Recent Results


-Client was charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon (i.e. a vehicle) upon an officer who was not in uniform. Client was also charged with a prior felony strike. The exposure was 10 years in state prison. After extensive investigation by the defense, Mr. Sala persuaded the prosecutor that the officer who was in plain clothes in an unmarked vehicle had not adequately identified himself and that when marked units responded, client immediately yielded and stopped. Consequently, the prosecutor agreed to accept a plea to a misdemeanor for no time in custody and a $220 fine. The felony charge was dismissed.


-Client was charged with felony criminal threats and personal use of a firearm and assault with a firearm. The exposure was 13 years in prison. After the defense investigation revealed the complainant's allegations were unreliable, Mr. Sala negotiated misdemeanor diversion. All felony counts and enhancements were dismissed.



-Client was charged with premeditated and deliberate attempted murder with a firearm. The exposure was life in prison. Mr. Sala obtained surveillance video, which established his client was not the perpetrator.  Mr. Sala ultimately persuaded the prosecutor the evidence was insufficient, and the case was dismissed.


-Client was charged with premeditated attempted murder, a felony gang enhancement and felony malicious discharge of a firearm. The exposure was life in prison. Mr. Sala successfully argued that the evidence was exceptionally weak against his client and consequently negotiated a plea to an amended charge of accessory, a misdemeanor gang charge for credit time served and dismissal of the attempted murder and malicious discharge counts. Client was immediately released from custody. The court granted probation and imposed a minimal fine.


-Client was indicted by a grand jury and charged with 85 counts of insurance fraud. Mr. Sala filed an extensive motion to dismiss pursuant to Penal Code §995 on the basis that the statute of limitations had lapsed on many of the charged offenses and that the evidence was insufficient. Prior to hearing of the motion, the prosecutor conceded that 51 felony counts and 21 misdemeanor counts should be dismissed. Although there were several felony counts remaining, Mr. Sala successfully negotiated a no contest plea to a single misdemeanor charge of accessory for restitution only. The remaining felony counts and the misdemeanor accessory count were dismissed.


-Client was charged with felony domestic violence  with a great bodily injury  enhancement. The exposure was 9 years in prison. On cross-examination at the preliminary hearing Mr. Sala elicited admissions from testifying witnesses that substantially impeached the complainant. Additionally, the defense investigation discovered a witness who provided a statement that the complainant had falsely accused another person of domestic violence. As a result, Mr. Sala secured deferred entry of judgment and the case was dismissed.


-Client was charged with vehicular manslaughter and reckless driving causing death. After obtaining the crash data from the event data recorder, it was evident Mr. Sala's client was not exceeding the speed limit and was not driving the vehicle in a reckless manner. Mr. Sala persuaded the prosecutor that his client was not a substantial factor in the cause of the collision and consequently the case was dismissed for insufficient evidence.


-Client was charged with felony assault on a peace officer and felony violently resisting arrest. After Mr. Sala obtained the officer’s body worn camera video, he persuaded the prosecutor that the officer unlawfully detained our client, used excessive force and was not acting in the lawful performance of his duties. Consequently, the prosecutor agreed to amend the complaint to allege a misdemeanor and agreed to deferred entry of judgment to be dismissed in one year. All remaining felony counts were dismissed.


-Client was detained after a search warrant was executed at a cannabis dispensary. Client had a 9mm semi-automatic firearm in his waistband. 56 lbs. of cannabis were seized. His exposure was 3 years state prison. During negotiations with the prosecutor, Mr. Sala questioned the legality of the detention and arrest. Consequently, the prosecutor agreed to accept a plea to a misdemeanor possession of the firearm for credit time served (1 day) and a $220 fine. All remaining counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with a felony assault with force likely to inflict great bodily injury and a felony criminal threat  with a great bodily injury enhancement, a prior strike conviction and a 5 year prior enhancement pursuant to Penal Code §667(a). Client’s exposure was 16 years in prison. After the preliminary hearing during which Mr. Sala effectively cross-examined the officer, he negotiated a misdemeanor plea for one year informal probation and no jail. All remaining felony counts and enhancements were dismissed.


-Client was charged with possession for sale of methamphetamine with an armed enhancement after the narcotics task force raided a property associated with our client and seized approximately 2 pounds of methamphetamine and several firearms. Client was also charged with violations of Health and Safety code §11370.1 and Penal Code § 337(a)(5). The exposure was 8 years in prison. Mr. Sala argued that the evidence could not establish knowledge and dominion and control and informed the prosecutor that he would proceed to preliminary hearing. Upon appearing for the hearing, the prosecutor dismissed all charges and stated the case would not be re-filed.


-Client was charged with 11 felony counts of embezzlement, theft and conspiracy alleging losses exceeding $4 million. The discovery was voluminous and involved complex contractual issues. Mr. Sala vigorously and effectively cross-examined a prosecution witness at a conditional hearing and thereafter, retained a forensic accountant who analyzed the financial transactions. The accountant concluded there was no evidence of fraud or embezzlement. Consequently, the prosecutor dismissed all charges.



-Client was charged with transportation for sale of large quantities of fentanyl, possession for sale of methamphetamine while armed and manufacturing controlled substances. The exposure was over 10 years in prison. Mr. Sala filed motions to suppress evidence and to traverse and quash the warrant based on numerous deliberate misrepresentations and intentional omissions by the officer designed to mislead the magistrate in issuing the warrant. After several days of evidentiary hearings and lengthy cross-examination of the officer by Mr. Sala, the court ruled that the search and arrest were unlawful, quashed the search warrant and dismissed all charges.


-An ongoing narcotics investigation in southern Californian revealed client and his passenger loading boxes into his vehicle. Officers notified CHP, which stopped the vehicle. A canine alerted resulting in a search, and the seizure of 500 pounds of methamphetamine. Client’s exposure was 14 years in custody. After Mr. Sala presented persuasive arguments regarding his defense, the prosecutor agreed to a split sentence of credit time served and the balance on mandatory supervision. All remaining counts were dismissed and client was released from custody forthwith.


-Client was charged with transportation and possession for sale of 67 pounds of methamphetamine. In light of a potential 20 kilo enhancement, the exposure was 19 years in custody. Mr. Sala contended his client was not guilty as the narcotics were found in a vehicle operated by another individual. Prior to commencement of the preliminary examination, the case was dismissed for insufficiency of the evidence.


-Client was charged with 27 felony counts of insurance fraud and grand theft. The exposure was over 20 years in custody. After extensive preparation for cross-examination and discussion with the prosecutor,  an amended Count 28 alleging a misdemeanor Penal Code §32 (accessory) was added. Informal probation was granted for one year with no time in custody. Client remitted restitution and all 27 felony counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with possession for sale of over 300 grams of heroin. Deputies obtained a search warrant for a dispensary adjacent to client’s residence, which was on the same parcel as the dispensary, but did not obtain a warrant for the residence. Mr. Sala filed a motion to traverse and quash the warrant on the basis the residence was not associated with the dispensary. On cross-examination by Mr. Sala during an evidentiary hearing, the deputy admitted he was aware of the two structures on the parcel but he did not have any reasonable or probable cause there was any criminal activity at client’s residence. The court granted the motion, quashed the warrant and suppressed the evidence. Subsequently, the case was dismissed.


-Client was charged with 2 felony counts of assault with force likely to inflict great bodily injury; 1 felony count of assault with a firearm; 1 felony count of grossly negligent discharge of a firearm; 1 felony count of criminal threats; and 2 felony counts of domestic violence with great bodily injury. The exposure was 13 years 4 months in state prison. At the preliminary examination, Mr. Sala cross-examined the complainant who admitted she had lied to deputies and that the allegations in the complaint were not true. At the conclusion of the hearing, the judge found the charges were not proved and dismissed the complaint.


-Client was charged with possession of cocaine for sale, cultivation and possession for sale of cannabis after a search resulted in the  seizure of 1,051 cannabis plants; 45 pounds of processed cannabis; $113,985 in U.S. currency and 9 baggies of cocaine. After Mr. Sala filed a motion to quash the search warrant, the prosecutor agreed to accept a plea to a misdemeanor cultivation charge for a minimal fine and one year informal probation. No jail. All remaining counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with  vehicular manslaughter as a result of a traffic collision. Client was operating a commercial truck from a road onto a highway. The prosecution alleged our client failed to yield to a vehicle traveling on the highway resulting in the collision and the death of the other driver. After Mr. Sala filed a motion for judicial diversion, the prosecutor agreed to accept a no contest plea for community service,  no license suspension, no jail and one year informal probation.


-Client was charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon in violation of Penal Code §245(a)(1). The exposure was 4 years prison. After Mr. Sala’s defense team conducted a thorough investigation, Mr. Sala  presented the prosecutor with the statement of an independent third party witness reflecting our client acted in self-defense and the case was dismissed.


-Client was charged with felony evading pursuant to Vehicle Code §2800.2, after he evaded police in a high speed chase for 25 miles; transportation for sale of cocaine with a firearm enhancement pursuant to Penal Code §12022(c);  possession of an assault weapon with a magazine holding 100 rounds of .223 ammunition and possession of a concealed 9mm pistol. His exposure was 10 years 8 months in prison. Mr. Sala successfully negotiated pleas to the evading and transportation charges for felony probation and credit for time served.


-Client was charged with felony hit/run and a great bodily injury enhancement. The exposure was 6 years in prison. On cross-examination, Mr. Sala aggressively challenged testimony by the prosecutor's witnesses. Mr. Sala used demonstrative evidence to elicit exculpatory answers, which ultimately resulted in the court reducing the charge to a misdemeanor. Subsequently, Mr. Sala negotiated a settlement for deferred entry of judgment and the case was dismissed.


-Client was charged with 11 felony counts including criminal threats,  possession of 2 pounds of heroin for sale, $90,000 in U.S. currency, possession of a fully automatic AR-15 assault rifle, and being an ex-felon in possession of numerous firearms. Client's exposure was 18 years in state prison. Mr. Sala obtained a BWC video of the search of client's residence, which revealed the affiant misrepresented that he had consent to search. Consequently, Mr. Sala successfully negotiated a plea to possession of ammunition for probation and credit time served. All remaining felony counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with aggravated mayhem, robbery, assault with a semi-automatic firearm, and possession of firearms by a felon. The exposure was life in prison with the possibility of parole. Mr. Sala prepared extensively for cross-examination of the prosecution’s witnesses including the DNA expert. Consequently, the prosecutor accepted a charge of assault with a firearm for credit time served of 4 days and 100 hours of community service. All remaining felony counts and enhancements were dismissed.



-Client was charged with 8 felony counts including attempted first degree murder with gang and firearm use enhancements; discharging a firearm at an occupied vehicle; assault with a semi-automatic firearm; participating in a criminal street gang; possession of a firearm by a felon and possession of a controlled substance while armed with a loaded firearm. The exposure was 20 years to life in prison. At the preliminary examination, Mr. Sala effectively cross-examined officers and detectives to elicit exculpatory testimony which supported self-defense. Mr. Sala also filed a Penal Code §995 motion to dismiss, which was granted as to all gang enhancements and participation in a criminal street gang. After extensive negotiations at the jury trial readiness conference, the prosecutor accepted a misdemeanor plea to simple battery for credit for time served. All felony charges and firearm use enhancements were dismissed and client was released from custody.


-Client was charged with malicious discharge of a firearm at an occupied vehicle with a great bodily injury enhancement and assault with a firearm . It was alleged our client shot the driver of a vehicle in the back of the head. Client’s exposure was 10 years in prison. At the preliminary examination, Mr. Sala effectively cross-examined the officers and introduced evidence to establish our client could not have fired the shot that struck the victim. Consequently, the magistrate discharged all charges.


-Client was charged with being an active criminal street gang member while in possession of a loaded semi-automatic pistol and a gang enhancement pursuant to Penal Code §186.22(b)(1). The exposure was 6 years in prison. Mr. Sala filed a motion to suppress evidence at the preliminary hearing  alleging an unlawful search. Prior to commencement of the hearing the prosecutor offered client a plea to two misdemeanor charges for a $270 fine and no jail in exchange for dropping the suppression motion. Client accepted the offer. All felony charges were dismissed.


-Client was charged with grossly negligent discharge of a firearm after firing an AK-47 in a public area. Client was in possession of another rifle; several semi-auto pistols; over 200 rounds of ammunition; approximately 5lbs. of marijuana and numerous hydrocodone tablets for sale. The exposure was 11years in custody. After Mr. Sala presented compelling exculpatory evidence, he negotiated a plea to a single misdemeanor count for one year informal probation and a $470 fine. No jail. 11 felony counts were dismissed.


- A search warrant was executed at client’s residence resulting in the seizure of 37,000 M-30 fentanyl pills, $207,000 in U.S. currency; two semi-automatic handguns and 10 lbs. of marijuana. Client was charged with possession for sale; being armed while in possession for sale of fentanyl and felony child endangerment. His exposure was 10 years 4 months in prison. Mr. Sala filed a motion to quash the warrant and to suppress evidence at the preliminary hearing. The court granted the motion based on the lack of probable cause. The evidence was suppressed and the case was dismissed.


-Client was charged with possession for sale of a substantial quantity of narcotics and being armed with a firearm. His bail was set at $1,000,000. Mr. Sala filed a motion to reduce bail arguing that bail at that amount was unconstitutional. After a hearing, the court reduced bail to $75,0000 and client was released from custody.


-Client was charged with felony manufacturing of a controlled substance after deputies served a search warrant and located large quantities of cannabis, concentrated cannabis, a butane honey oil lab and  over $50,000 in currency.  Mr. Sala filed an extensive motion to traverse and quash the search warrant based on intentional omissions and misrepresentations by the officer. After a lengthy evidentiary hearing the court granted the motion and suppressed all evidence seized during the search.  The court specifically found the officer deliberately misrepresented and omitted material facts to mislead the magistrate.


-Client was charged with gross vehicular  manslaughter while intoxicated with an enhancement of injury to another victim. The exposure was 11 years in state prison. After investigation and extensive negotiations with the prosecutor, Mr. Sala successfully secured a plea to a lesser charge for felony probation and credit for time served. The gross vehicular manslaughter charged was dismissed.


-Client was charged with 17 felony counts of falsifying claims, grand theft, insurance fraud and conspiracy. The discovery was voluminous and complex. Mr. Sala prepared extensively for cross-examination and ultimately  was successful in persuading the prosecutor that the evidence did not support the allegations against his client. Consequently all charges were dismissed.


-Client was charged with possession of cocaine for sale and a gang enhancement. His exposure was 8 years in prison. After extensive negotiations with the prosecutor, a settlement was reached that provided for client to plead to a misdemeanor for no jail and a $470 fine. All remaining counts and enhancements were dismissed.


-Client was charged with two felonies–grossly negligent discharge of a firearm and possession of a loaded firearm in public. The exposure was 3 years. After Mr. Sala presented compelling mitigating evidence, the prosecutor accepted a misdemeanor plea to the possession of a firearm charge for a fine only. The felony counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with numerous felony counts including manufacturing a controlled substance; maintaining a place for distribution of controlled substances; money laundering; maintaining gambling premises and conspiracy. The exposure was over 8 years in custody. Mr. Sala successfully negotiated a plea to a misdemeanor accessory charge for a fine only. All felony counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with 3 counts of insurance fraud in violation of Insurance Code §1871.4 and 1 count in violation of Penal Code §550. The exposure was 8 years in custody. Mr. Sala reviewed and analyzed voluminous pages of discovery in preparation for cross-examination. At the preliminary hearing, the prosecutor dismissed 3 counts. After a lengthy hearing during which Mr. Sala effectively cross-examined the lead insurance department detective, the court dismissed the remaining felony count.



-Client was charged with voluntary manslaughter with an enhancement for personal use of a firearm; possession of a controlled substance while armed and possession of a loaded firearm in public. His exposure was 21 years in prison. Mr. Sala successfully argued that the shooting was in self defense. Consequently, the prosecutor dismissed the manslaughter charge and accepted a plea to one count of possession of a loaded firearm for time served and 100 hours of community service.


-Client was charged with attempted murder of her boyfriend after she shot him in the abdomen. It was alleged she inflicted great bodily injury and personally used a firearm. Her exposure was 25 years to life in prison. At the preliminary examination, Mr. Sala presented compelling evidence that the shooting was not intentional. Thereafter, Mr. Sala successfully negotiated a plea to reckless discharge of a firearm for credit for time served and probation. All remaining charges and allegations were dismissed.


-Client was charged with fifteen (15) felony counts of illegal possession of firearms and possession for sale of controlled substances after the execution of search warrants resulted in the seizure of over 350 pounds of marijuana, 313 marijuana plants, over 14,000 grams of concentrated marijuana, over 500 rounds of ammunition, and 15 firearms. Mr. Sala filed a motion pursuant to Penal Code §995 citing a recent United States Supreme Court case. The court granted the motion and dismissed all charges.


-Client was charged with two counts of felony assault with an allegation of infliction of great bodily injury. His exposure was 7 years in prison. After extensive investigation by Mr. Sala’s defense team, the prosecutor accepted a misdemeanor for a  fine only & restitution. The felonies were dismissed.


-Client was charged with a felony domestic violence offense. There was an unalleged “strike” prior. He had a potential sentence of 8 years in prison. The defense obtained an exculpatory statement from the complainant resulting in the prosecutor accepting a misdemeanor plea and no jail. There were several pending probation revocations which were reinstated.


-Client was charged with possession for sale of methamphetamine and a gang enhancement. His exposure was 7 years in prison. After a motion filed by Mr. Sala, it was evident the prosecutor would not be able to prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. Consequently all charges were dismissed at the trial readiness conference.


-Client was charged with (8) felony counts of possession of stolen vehicle components and (1) count of operating a chop shop. His exposure was over 9 years in custody.  After a lengthy preliminary hearing, (7) felony possession counts were reduced to misdemeanors after Mr. Sala effectively cross-examined prosecution witnesses.  At the trial readiness conference, the prosecutor accepted a plea of no contest to 2 misdemeanor counts for 50 hours of community service. All remaining counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with 9 felony counts of insurance fraud. The exposure was 8 years in jail. Mr. Sala’s defense team developed compelling evidence in client’s favor to persuade the prosecutor to accept deferred entry of judgment on a single misdemeanor count for 50 hours of community service. All remaining felony counts were dismissed and upon completion of community service the misdemeanor count was dismissed.


-Client was charged with two felonies of residential burglary and assault with force likely to inflict great bodily injury. The exposure was 7 years in prison. After the preliminary hearing revealed significant weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, the case settled at the trial readiness conference for a plea to the assault charge for 100 hours of community service and no time in custody. The residential burglary count was dismissed.


-Client was charged with felony counts of residential burglary, criminal threats, domestic violence and false imprisonment with violence. His exposure was 8 years 4 months in prison. He was subsequently arrested on different felonies involving a different victim and charged with residential burglary and a felony count of vandalism. His exposure on the subsequent case was 6 years 8 months and potentially a 2 year on bail enhancement. Mr. Sala’s defense team conducted a thorough investigation and obtained statements from both alleged victims which undermined the prosecution’s case. Consequently, the prosecutor agreed to accept a plea to a misdemeanor vandalism for no jail, a fine and a few AA meetings. All other counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with cultivation and possession for sale of over 350 marijuana plants and 75 pounds of processed marijuana . Mr. Sala filed a motion to quash the warrant alleging the affidavit lacked probable cause. Prior to hearing of the motion the prosecutor agreed to accept a misdemeanor plea to simple possession of marijuana for 1 year probation and a $220 fine. No jail was imposed. The remaining counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with 127 felony counts alleging violations of Penal Code §550--- insurance fraud. Mr. Sala successfully negotiated a plea to two counts for felony probation and credit for time served of 4 days and restitution. 125 felony counts were dismissed.



-The Department of Homeland Security initiated an investigation into the international trafficking of Khat. The investigation led to the issuance of an anticipatory search warrant for client’s residence resulting in the seizure of 166 lbs. Client was charged with maintaining a location for distribution of controlled substances and possession for sale. Mr. Sala filed a motion to quash the warrant on the basis that an antecedent event had not occurred. Prior to the hearing of the motion, the prosecutor offered a misdemeanor plea to an accessory charge for a fine only. All remaining charges were dismissed.


-Client was charged with residential burglary and a gang enhancement pursuant to Penal Code  §186.22(a)(1); ex-felon in possession of a firearm and being an active member of a criminal street gang. Client had a prior strike conviction for a serious felony. His exposure was an indeterminate term of life imprisonment. After a lengthy preliminary hearing during which Mr. Sala challenged the admissibility of case-specific hearsay and the credibility of the prosecution’s expert, the court discharged our client on the ex-felon in possession of a firearm allegation; dismissed all gang enhancements and dismissed the substantive gang offense.


-Client, a registered nurse, was charged with 15 felony counts of obtaining controlled substances by fraud. After presenting substantial and compelling mitigating circumstances to the prosecutor, Mr. Sala successfully negotiated a conditional dismissal of all charges.


-Client was charged with several felony counts of possession of an AR-15 assault rifle, possession of high capacity magazines, possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, grossly negligent discharge of a firearm, and possession for sale and cultivation of marijuana. Mr. Sala developed compelling arguments that the detention and search were unlawful, which resulted in a  disposition for 200 hours of community service. All remaining charges were dismissed.

-Client was charged with possession for sale of cocaine and possession of a controlled substance while armed with several semi-automatic firearms. Client’s exposure was 4 years in CDCR. A motion to quash the warrant was filed and granted. All evidence was suppressed and the case was dismissed.


 -Client was charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon after stabbing another individual several times. He was also charged with inflicting great bodily injury with a prior serious felony conviction. His exposure was 16 years in prison. Mr. Sala conducted a thorough investigation and presented witness statements to support self-defense. Consequently, the case was dismissed.

-Client was charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon against a bail agent and infliction of great bodily injury. Client was also accused of a felony accessory charge. At the preliminary hearing Mr. Sala cross-examined the investigating officer, which established that the bail agent misrepresented material facts. Subsequently, Mr. Sala filed a motion dismiss pursuant to Penal Code section 995. Prior to the motion being heard, the prosecutor accepted a misdemeanor plea for a fine only. All remaining charges were dismissed.

-Client was charged with possession for sale and transportation for sale of cocaine. Mr. Sala successfully argued the search of the vehicle after a traffic stop was unlawful, resulting in all charges being dismissed.


-Client was charged with felony domestic violence, criminal threats, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and a prior strike conviction. Client was facing over 20 years in prison. After investigation and discussion with the prosecutor Mr. Sala successfully negotiated probation and credit for time served to a single count. The remaining charges were dismissed.


-Client was charged with 7 felony counts including attempted murder, battery with serious injury, robbery, burglary, and criminal threats. The client was facing life in prison. Mr. Sala’s investigator obtained statements from the prosecution’s witnesses which were inconsistent with prior statements to officers. The statements were provided to the prosecutor resulting in a plea to a misdemeanor vandalism charge for a fine. All remaining counts were dismissed


-Client was charged with ex-felon in possession of a firearm; possession of an AR-15 rifle; possession of an explosive device; violently resisting arrest and active participation in a criminal street gang. The exposure was 4 years 4 months in CDCR. After negotiation with the prosecutor, client accepted a misdemeanor resisting arrest charge for a fine only. All remaining counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with first degree murder of a rival criminal street gang member. At the preliminary examination Mr. Sala elicited testimony through cross-examination of the prosecution’s witnesses that resulted in the court discharging client on the murder charge and issuing a holding order on a lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter, which was an extraordinary decision by the court.


-Client was involved in operating a labor contracting company. He was charged with 5 felony counts including conspiracy and refusal to remit employee tax and unemployment contributions. After negotiations with the prosecutor,  all charges were dismissed.


-Client was charged with several felony counts of possession of an AR-15 assault rifle, possession of high capacity magazines, possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, grossly negligent discharge of a firearm, and possession for sale and cultivation of marijuana. Mr. Sala developed compelling arguments that the detention and search were unlawful, which resulted in a  disposition for 200 hours of community service. All remaining charges were dismissed.


-Client was charged with 10 felony counts including assault with a deadly weapon, criminal threats, possession for sale of methamphetamine and heroin and manufacturing controlled substances while being armed with numerous rifles and handguns. Client had a potential exposure of over 10 years in state prison. Mr. Sala successfully negotiated a plea to one count, which resulted in the court granting the client probation and imposing 200 hours of community service. No jail time. All remaining felonies were dismissed.


-Client was charged with six felony counts involving firearms and evading. Officers searched the vehicle without a warrant after the client had been arrested. Mr. Sala was successful in persuading the prosecutor that the search violated United States Supreme Court precedent, which resulted in a misdemeanor charge, informal probation and a small fine. All felony counts were dismissed.



-Client was charged with 12 felony counts for possession of assault rifles and silencers after Department of Justice agents executed a warrant to search the client’s residence and seized numerous assault weapons. The warrant was based on an affidavit which included false information. Mr. Sala served the prosecutor with numerous document requests to prove the agent who applied for the warrant had intentionally submitted false information. After documents were received that proved the falsehood, Mr. Sala filed a motion to traverse and quash the warrant. After a hearing was conducted during which a supervising DOJ special agent testified that material information in the affidavit was false, the court concluded the agent had intentionally made a material misrepresentation in the affidavit and redacted the false information. In the absence of the false information probable cause was lacking. The court found the "good faith" exception under Leon was inapplicable, quashed the warrant and suppressed all evidence obtained pursuant to the search. Subsequently, the entire case was dismissed.


-Client was charged with capital murder, conspiracy and criminal street gang offenses and enhancements. After extensive preparation and a multiple-day preliminary examination, during which Mr. Sala effectively cross-examined prosecution witnesses, the court dismissed the murder and conspiracy charges.


-A warrant was issued to search client’s residence after agents located a cannabis cultivation site involving over 5000 mature marijuana plants. The search of client’s residence resulted in the seizure of large quantities of processed cannabis, assault weapons and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Client had a prior felony conviction and was charged with multiple felonies. Mr. Sala filed a motion to quash the search warrant which was litigated at the preliminary hearing. The court found the warrant was not supported by probable cause and that the good faith exception was inapplicable. The court suppressed the evidence and the case was dismissed.


-Client was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, infliction of great bodily injury and gang enhancements. He was facing 17 years in prison. After the defense provided persuasive investigative reports to the prosecutor undermining the veracity of several prosecution witnesses, all charges were dismissed on the eve of trial.


-Client was charged with 10 felony counts including assault with a deadly weapon; criminal threats; possession for sale of controlled substances; possession by an addict and manufacturing controlled substances. After Mr. Sala presented compelling mitigation evidence, client was granted probation on one count  and ordered to complete a rehabilitation program without time in custody. All remaining charges were dismissed.


-Client was charged with felony vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence. His exposure was 6 years in state prison. After a thorough investigation by our defense team, it was evident the prosecutor could not prove gross negligence. Consequently, Mr. Sala successfully negotiated a misdemeanor for 100 hours community service. The felony was dismissed.


-Client was charged with a felony count of conspiracy to commit an assault with force likely to inflict great bodily injury and enhancements for a serious felony “strike” conviction including multiple prior prison commitments. The exposure was 15 years in state prison. Mr. Sala secured a settlement involving a misdemeanor plea to a charge of battery for 60 days in the work release program. All remaining counts and enhancements were dismissed.


-The Superior Court granted a motion filed by Mr. Sala based on an unlawful search of the residence of a Bakersfield Police Officer. All criminal charges filed against the officer were dismissed.


-Client had numerous prior convictions for driving under the influence and was charged with a felony for the 4th arrest and a potential of three years in jail. Mr. Sala obtained the records of the prior convictions and thoroughly researched grounds to challenge the constitutionality of one of the priors. After filing and litigating a motion to strike the court declared the conviction to be unconstitutional. Consequently, the felony was dismissed and a misdemeanor disposition was achieved for 70 days in the work release program.


-Bail was significantly reduced in two separate felony cases where bail had been set at $1,000,000 each. Mr. Sala successfully argued the exceptionally high bail was unconstitutional. After hearing evidence and argument presented by Mr. Sala, the court lowered the bail and our clients were released from custody.


-Client was charged with several felonies including burglary, larceny, possession of stolen property and a prior "strike" conviction. After Mr. Sala filed a motion pursuant to Penal Code §995, the court granted the motion and all felony charges were dismissed.



-The client was charged with a felony violation of Health and Safety Code §11366 and possession for sale of marijuana.  Over 300 pounds of processed marijuana, over 350 marijuana plants, several rifles and shotguns and U.S. currency were seized.After the defense investigation and discussion with the prosecutor, the prosecutor agreed to amend the complaint to allege a misdemeanor violation of H&S §11358 for informal probation and 400 community service. No jail time was imposed. The remaining counts were dismissed.   


-A search warrant was executed at client’s residence resulting in the seizure of over 400 marijuana plants; numerous sheets, vials and tablets of concentrated cannibis; currency; a semi-automatic pistol; an AR-15 assault rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. The defendant was charged with felony violations of maintaining a place for the sale of marijuana, child endangerment and a firearm enhancement. The defense filed a motion to quash the search warrant on the ground the affidavit was wholly lacking probable cause and was not executed in good faith. The court granted the motion, suppressed all the evidence seized and dismissed the case.


-Juvenile client was initially charged with first degree murder with a potential sentence of 50 years to life in a court of criminal jurisdiction (adult court). After the passage of Proposition 57, Mr. Sala filed a petition requesting the client be tried in juvenile court. After an extensive evidentiary hearing the court denied transfer to adult court. Subsequently, after a nearly one month trial during which numerous expert witnesses were called by the defense, the court found the client not guilty of murder. The court entered a finding of involuntary manslaughter to be true. The client was subsequently released from the jurisdiction of the juvenile court.


-Client was charged with first degree murder with an enhancement pursuant to Penal Code §12022.53(d) and discharging a firearm at an inhabited dwelling. His exposure was 50 years to life in prison. Mr. Sala and his team secured numerous witness statements and retained a prominent forensic pathologist/toxicologist to establish the defense of self defense at trial. The prosecutor offered a charge of voluntary manslaughter and the court indicated a sentence of 7 years. The remaining charges, including murder were dismissed.


-Client was charged with Government Code violations. After Mr. Sala filed and successfully litigated a discriminatory prosecution motion for discovery pursuant to Murgia v. Municipal Court, the prosecution agreed to a conditional dismissal of all charges.


-Client was charged with felony DUI with enhancements for great bodily injury and injury to multiple victims. He was charged with a prior robbery conviction (strike). The exposure was 10 to 15 years if convicted. After Mr. Sala conducted an effective investigation and challenged the prosecution’s toxicology results, the prosecutor agreed to accept a plea to one felony count. Mr. Sala’s Romero motion was granted and the client received probation; credit for time served and 100 hours community service.


-Client was charged with 9 felony counts including criminal threats; enhancements for personal use of a firearm; child endangerment and 4 misdemeanor counts of brandishing a firearm. The exposure was 21 years in prison. After a thorough investigation and presentation of defense witness statements to the prosecutor, all charges were dismissed for insufficient evidence.


-Client was charged with felony criminal threats and domestic violence with an enhancement alleging the personal use of a firearm. He was also charged with felony failure to appear with an on-bail enhancement. His exposure was 16 years 8 months. After a thorough investigation , Mr. Sala’s  defense team located several third party witnesses and a tape recording of the complainant that discredited her credibility. Consequently the prosecutor dismissed all charged offenses.  The client pled to one count of false imprisonment and was released from custody with credit for time served.


-Client was charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon (auto), child endangerment and brandishing a firearm. The exposure was 5 years and a life revocation of his driving privilege. Defense investigative reports were provided to the prosecution resulting in dismissal of all charged offenses. Client pled to a charge of accessory for credit time served.


-Client was charged with 15 felony counts of uttering false documents and identity theft. His exposure was 12 years if convicted on all counts and sentenced consecutively. After the defense investigation and negotiations with the prosecutor, Mr. Sala secured a settlement involving pleas to several misdemeanor counts for restitution, 60 days in the work release program and 480 hours community service. All remaining felony counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with felony hit and run and misdemeanor DUI, after a bicyclist struck his SUV resulting in her death. The defense retained an expert on traffic reconstruction who opined that the client would not have been able to perceive the bicyclist prior to or after impact. The victim did not have a lamp on the bicycle and was wearing dark clothing. The defense made a motion to reduce the felony charge to a misdemeanor, which was granted. The client entered pleas of no contest to the misdemeanors. Thereafter, the court granted probation, ordered 90 days to be served in the work release program and 100 hours community service. 



-Client was charged with being an active member of Loma Bakers when he and another alleged gang member entered a convenience store. They were confronted by a person in the store. A struggle ensued and the person was shot by the other alleged gang member. Client was charged with attempted murder, robbery, a principal using a firearm and gang enhancements. He faced 25 years to life if convicted. Mr. Sala filed a 995 motion to dismiss.The DA conceded the motion as to the attempted murder charge and the court granted the motion as to the robbery charge. The substantive gang count remained intact. Ultimately, the prosecutor agreed to a misdemeanor commercial burglary charge with a an enhancement pursuant to 186.22(d) for credit for time served resulting in Mr. Sala's client being released from custody.


-Client was charged with vehicular manslaughter. Mr. Sala filed a motion to dismiss for lack of speedy trial. After a contentious and hard fought evidentiary hearing, the court  found that the client's federal constitutional right to a speedy trial was violated by the government and dismissed the case.


-Client was charged with possession of a loaded revolver in a vehicle. Mr. Sala filed a motion to suppress on the ground his client was detained unlawfully. Mr. Sala subpoenaed prior police reports concerning the area of the detention to rebut the officer’s contention that he and his partner made numerous arrests  in the past concerning possession for sales, weapons and theft offenses. The records reflected the officer  had issued only two citations for simple possession and paraphernalia. His partner had issued none within 12 months of the arrest. On the date of the hearing, the prosecutor conceded the motion and dismissed the case.


-Client was charged with fourteen (14) felony counts alleging identity theft and insurance fraud stemming from an alleged scheme that she submitted false information on hundreds of insurance policies. After months of preparation and analyzing hundreds of pages of discovery, Mr. Sala was able to negotiate a plea to one (1) misdemeanor count for 100 hours community service and deferred entry of judgment.  All the felony counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with felony conspiracy to transport and transportation for sale of over 1,000 pounds of marijuana after the semi-truck he was driving was inspected by the CHP. Mr. Sala provided documents to the prosecutor reflecting that his client was transporting the marijuana for a collective in Northern California and was compliant with the Compassionate Use Act and the Medical Marijuana Program. Consequently, the prosecutor dismissed all felony charges and agreed to deferred entry of judgment and dismissal of a misdemeanor charge of transportation.


-Client was charged with felony assault with a dealy weapon with an enhancement. The client’s exposure was 7 years. After the defense investigation revealed that several witnesses observed the altercation and verified Mr. Sala's client was not the aggressor, the reports were provided to the prosecutor. Upon further review the prosecutor dismissed all charges.


-Client was charged with accessory to murder. The underlying charge involved an unprovoked murder of a young male in a park by alleged gang members. After thorough preparation and discussion with the prosecutor, the case was dismissed in its entirety.


-Client was charged with first degree murder and an enhancement pursuant to Penal Code § 12022.53(d). He had an exposure of 25 years to life in prison. Client was charged with shooting and killing a man who was fleeing from the scene after attempting to burglarize a liquor store. After an extensive defense investigation the prosecutor was persuaded to offer low term to voluntary manslaughter and low term on a Penal Code § 12022.5 enhancement. The court sentenced the client to only six (6) years.


-Client was charged with assault with a deadly weapon and with force likely to inflict great bodily injury, and prior strike and violent felony allegations. Client was facing 16 years. After extensive investigation, the defense provided reports to the DA, which resulted in dismissal of all charges.


-Client was charged with felony domestic violence; assault with a deadly weapon; criminal threat and personal use of a firearm. His exposure was 14 years 8 months. The defense investigation revealed the complainant had made a statement to a nurse that Mr. Sala's client held his hand in the shape of a gun and did not state he used a firearm. Also photos of complainant did not reveal any injury. After negotiations with the prosecutor Mr. Sala's client was offered and accepted a misdemeanor for counseling, 8 hours community service and a fine. No jail. All felony charges and enhancements were dismissed.


-Client was on felony probation for an embezzlement charge. The Department of Justice conducted a search of client’s residence and seized 17 firearms; a high capacity magazine and over 600 rounds of ammunition. The defense conducted an intensive investigation and provided the results to the DA. After negotiations,Mr. Sala secured a plea to felon in possession of a firearm with the provision that the court would not impose any jail time. Client's felony probation was reinstated.


-Client was charged with attempted robbery of a woman’s purse during a traffic dispute. After the defense secured several witness statements, the prosecutor dismissed the attempted robbery and accepted a plea to a misdemeanor accessory charge for 60 hours of community service.


-Client was charged with conspiracy to introduce methamphetamine into a state prison. After negotiations with the prosecutor, client entered a plea of no contest and the court granted probation on the condition she complete 200 hours community service. No jail.



-Client was charged with first degree premeditated murder. Mr. Sala thoroughly investigated the case and effectively cross-examined prosecution witnesses at the preliminary hearing. Additionally,  human factors experts and a cell phone expert were retained to assist the defense. Ultimately, the prosecutor dismissed the case for lack of evidence.


-Client was charged with deliberate and premeditated attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon and  gang enhancements. Client was facing life in prison. Mr. Sala filed an extensive motion pursuant to Penal Code §995 to dismiss all charges and enhancements. The court granted the motion on the attempted murder charge and the gang enhancements resulting in the case settling for probation and credit for time served.


-Client was charged with six (6) felony offenses for possession of a short barreled shotgun, possession of a stolen semi-automatic pistol, participation in a criminal street gang, felony evading and gang enhancements. At the preliminary hearing, the prosecutor dismissed all felonies except the felony possession of a stolen pistol. After a 2-day preliminary hearing, the court discharged Mr. Sala’s client on the remaining felony count. 


-Client was involved in a traffic collision resulting  in multiple fractures to a female victim. He was charged with felony driving under the influence with a great bodily injury enhancement, along with a multiple victim enhancement. The exposure was 7 years in prison if convicted. The defense presented the opinion of an accident reconstruction expert, whose firm worked on the Fast and Furious actor, Paul Walker's fatal collision. The prosecutor who had previously insisted on a felony plea, offered a misdemeanor DUI at the readiness conference two weeks before trial, for a fine only.         


-Client was  charged with a felony offense of resisting an officer with force along with an allegation of a prior strike conviction and driving under the influence. He faced 6 years in state prison. As a result of Mr. Sala’s preparation and investigation Mr. Sala secured two minor misdemeanors for his client and community service.    


-Client was charged with manufacturing butane honey oil after an explosion occurred during the manufacturing process. Execution of a search warrant resulted in the seizure of 53 grams of honey oil; over 3 pounds of cannabis; manufacturing paraphernalia; and 12 firearms, including 2 semi-automatic rifles.  After extensive negotiations with the prosecutor Mr. Sala secured  probation for his client, counseling and community service without any time in custody.        


-Client was driving north on State Route 99 and rear-ended another vehicle in the same lane. He was arrested for DUI. The blood analysis reflected a BAC of .18%. After discussion with the prosecutor regarding the issues related to the blood protocol and performance on the field sobriety tests the case settled for a wet reckless (VC 23103.5) with a fine.


-Client was charged with two counts of bank robbery and a prior prison conviction. The client was on felony probation for burglary and had a potential exposure of  11 years in state prison. Mr. Sala’s preparation uncovered a witness who observed a detective place the client into an unmarked police vehicle. The client was taken to the police department where he was  interrogated in the absence of Miranda  warnings. Consequently, the bank robbery charges were dismissed and the case settled for probation and completion of a program.


-Client was charged with residential burglary. His exposure was 6 years in state prison. Prior to Mr. Sala substituting in as counsel the offer made by the prosecutor was 2 years in prison.  Mr. Sala’s investigation revealed the client lacked the required intent to commit residential burglary resulting in the case settling for a few minor misdemeanors and community service.The felony charges were dismissed.


-Client was charged with possession of an AR-15 assault rifle with a collapsible stock. During a search officers located a high capacity magazine strapped to client's leg loaded with 20 rounds of 5.56 ammunition, and three bindles of cocaine. Mr. Sala’s preparation and advocacy resulted in probation, work release and community service for his client.


-Client was charged with felony theft of a vehicle and felony evasion which resulted in the client colliding into a building and thereafter fleeing. The prosecutor alleged the client had a prior residential burglary conviction and two prison priors. He was facing 9 years in state prison. The prosecutor’s offer was 6 years in prison with strenuous opposition to a Romero motion. Mr. Sala persuaded the court to strike the prior residential burglary; grant probation and allow his client to complete a residential treatment program.



-Multiple felony counts of possession for sale and transportation of methamphetamine and an allegation of a prior strike conviction were dismissed after Mr. Sala filed and the court granted a  motion to suppress evidence based upon an illegal search by police.


-After Mr. Sala cross-examined prosecution witnesses at the preliminary hearing the court dismissed all felony counts of possession and transportation of several pounds of methamphetamine for sale while armed with a semi-automatic pistol. Client’s exposure was 9 years 8 months.


-Client was charged with assaulting an officer in violation of Penal Code § 245(d)(3) with an enhancement that he personally used a firearm within the meaning of the Penal Code § 12022.5(a). Complaint alleged client had a prior serious felony or strike conviction and had served three separate  prison commitments. Client had an exposure of 42 years in state prison. After defense conducted an investigation and obtained radio transmissions undermining the realiability of the allegations, Mr. Sala secured a misdemeanor disposition for credit time served and dismissal of all felony counts and enhancements.


-Client was charged with battery with infliction of serious bodily injury. Restitution was estimated at over $15,000. The defense located a witness not mentioned in the discovery who corroborated self-defense. The case was dismissed for insufficient evidence.


-Client was charged with three felony counts of possession of explosive devices in a public place. Exposure was 6 years in custody. After an extensive investigation and negotiations with the  prosecutor, Mr. Sala secured  a  misdemeanor plea for a small fine only.  All felony counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with two felony counts of aggravated assault and an enhancement for great bodily injury Exposure was 7 years in custody. After vigorous investigation by the defense the complainant was discredited. The prosecutor offered a misdemeanor charge for community service. All felony counts were dismissed.


- was charged with attempted murder; two felony counts of domestic violence; assault with a deadly weapon; criminal threats and false imprisonment. Exposure if convicted at trial was approximately 15 years in prison. After retaining an expert for trial, Mr. Sala successfully negotiated a settlement for  probation and one year local custody. The remaining felonies and enhancements were dismissed.


-Client was charged with a felony violation of Penal Code section 273.5 (domestic violence). Mr. Sala was successful in negotiating a settlement that involved dismissing the felony upon completion of counseling and accepting a  plea to a misdemeanor charge of disturbing the peace.



-Client was charged with three counts of premeditated attempted murder with personal use of a firearm and shooting at an occupied vehicle. Exposure was life in prison. The defense  investigation produced several witnesses, including a credible alibi witness. At the preliminary hearing through cross-examination by Mr. Sala, the victims were discredited.  Prior to trial the prosecutor dismissed the case in its entirety.   


-Client was charged with 23 felony counts of  possession of one pound of heroin for sale and numerous firearm offenses. Exposure was over 20 years in prison if convicted. After extensive discussions with the prosecutor regarding the legality of the detention and insufficient evidence to establish a nexus between the contraband and the client,  the prosecutor dismissed all 23 felony counts. The prosecutor offered a misdemeanor trespass charge for time served.


-Client was charged with 15 felony counts, including vehicle theft, felony evading, possession of methamphetamine while armed, possession of a shortened shotgun and violent resistance. The complaint alleged a prior strike conviction for residential burglary. Exposure if convicted as charged was over 25 years in prison. Mr. Sala retained a forensic psychologist, which resulted in  felony probation and completion of a rehabilitation program. No jail time was imposed as a condition of probation. All remaining felony counts were dismissed.


-Client was charged with possession of a controlled substance and delaying a peace officer. After a 4 1/2 hour hearing to suppress evidence the court found the detention was unlawful and dismissed the case.        



-Client was charged with transportation and possession for sale of 4 pounds of methamphetamine. A subsequent search of the residence resulted in the seizure of over 106 gr